Some say these dogs got the job EVERYONE wanted! Our Ambassador Dogs work day and night representing our organisation in the media and at events.
How did they become Ambassador Dogs?
Each of our Ambassador Dogs started life training to be a Guide or Assistance Dog, but for various reasons, it was decided these friendly and fun-loving pups had all the im-PAW-tant qualities for the Ambassador role. You can meet them here:
Date of Birth: 23 November 2019. Place of Birth: New South Wales
“My name is Lynette, and I’m named after a very important member of the Bunbury Auxiliary.
I’m the newest addition to the Ambassador Dog team at Guide Dogs WA. My Trainer selected me for the Ambassador Dog job because she says I have a lovely, calm temperament and because I love meeting people!
When I’m not working hard with the fundraising team, I love a run with my friends in training, a belly rub and a dip in my paddle pool.”
Date of Birth: 29 July 2020. Place of Birth: New South Wales
“Hi, my name’s Greg, and together with lovely Lynette, we are the newest additions to the Ambassador Dog team at Guide Dogs WA. I can be a little bit shy at first, but once I warm up and get my wiggle on, I turn into Mr Sociable. I really love going to events with Lynette. We are the best of friends in the office and we make a great team.
In my down time, I love to run and play with my doggie friends in the enrichment yard. We run each other around and around until we’re worn out and then head back to the office for a well deserved nap. It’s a dog’s life.”
Date of Birth: 6 March 2016. Place of Birth: Queensland
“I’m a big softie and love nothing more than a gentle lean or a cuddle on your lap. Oh and a sneaky smooch when you’re not looking!
This Ambassador Dog work can be exhausting and I have been known to fall asleep on the job (ssh, don’t tell the Boss)!”
Date of Birth: 8 May 2014. Place of Birth: Victoria
“Also known as Princess Eva, I’m the “Black Beauty” of the Ambassador Dog team.
I’m a very social girl with a particularly soft spot for children. I can often be seen in the foyer of the Children’s Hospital, with my Dad, John, bringing a smile to the little people and their families.
When I’m off duty, I love nothing more than a roll on the grass (before Dad spots me)!”

Our Ambassador Dogs fulfil a public relations role – they help to spread the word about the im-PAW-tant work of their Guide and Assistance Dog friends at Guide Dogs WA.
Ambassador Dogs regularly attend corporate & community events. The Ambassador Dog program forms part of our fundraising for the organisation. As a non-government, not-for-profit organisation we rely on the kindness and generosity of the Western Australian community to fund the training programs.
Whereas the community is asked to avoid patting or distracting a working dog or puppy in training, Ambassador Dogs love the attention. Ambassador Dogs are easy to spot, as they wear an orange coat labelled with ‘Ambassador Dog’ on their back. As with all of our dogs, we kindly ask that you talk to the handler, before patting the dog. Thank you!
For further information on Ambassador Dog visits, please contact community.fundraising@guidedogswa.com.au