What is a Companion Dog?
A Companion Dog improves the quality of life for adults and children living with disability or illness. They can provide a range of benefits including:
- Helping to overcome challenges with everyday tasks
- Offering friendship and company
- Being a comforting presence
Companion Dogs do not have public access rights like Guide Dogs or Autism Assistance Dogs have.
Companion Dogs are specially trained by Guide Dogs WA’s experienced trainers and instructors. The Companion Dog program is designed to fulfil the companionship needs of people with disability, illness or isolation.
Who can apply for a Companion Dog?
Each dog in the Guide Dogs WA training program is regularly assessed throughout its training journey and a career is chosen that best suits the dog’s skills, abilities and characteristics.
There are a limited number of Companion Dogs placed each year and successful applications will be placed on a waitlist until a suitable match is identified.
The following eligibility requirements apply:
- An adult or child with disability or illness living in Western Australia, who has been assessed by Guide Dogs WA and identified as benefiting from a Companion Dog.
- A demonstrated ability to care for a dog this includes the financial costs and responsibility associated with food, medical care, bedding and toys.
- A willingness to provide a safe and loving home for the dog and acceptance that the dog is required to live inside the home.
- Meets the Guide Dogs WA home assessment and handling requirements.
All Companion Dog applications will be subject to a two week trial placement. If the trial placement is considered suitable, Guide Dogs WA will complete the relevant documentation and transfer ownership.
Please note: A fee will be incurred for the purchase of a Companion Dog, which will be assessed at time of matching.
Please complete the application form below to make an initial enquiry. Please download the application form if you would prefer to submit by post.
If you have any further questions or need assistance with this form please contact us on (08) 9311 8202 or email info@guidedogswa.com.au
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