Jono’s Jog For A Dog Journey

We turned the spotlight on Jog for a Dog and VisAbility team member, Jono Mills who is running the 2017 HBF Run For A Reason for Guide Dogs WA ……
What inspired you to join team Jog for a Dog and fundraise for Guide Dogs WA?
I personally am legally-blind but I have enough eyesight to manage without a Guide Dog just new. I work at VisAbility / Guide Dogs WA and have many friends who are our clients. I recognise the importance of the work Guide Dogs WA does and the see the fantastic efforts of the Guide Dogs WA team. I am totally willing to raise much needed funds and support to help them continue their great work.
Are you vision impaired yourself?
I am legally-blind. I usually do pretty well getting around, but every now and again I have issues and I don’t see something. I tend to rely on my hearing a lot more in this situation and take a lot more care when doing things like getting around. I have difficulty reading signs when I’m close to them and they are not printed in large-print.
VisAbility provides mobility training to help me when with travelling/moving around including the use of a support cane. I have received training on the best ways to manage with low/no vision. The Mobility training that is provided at VisAbility and the overall assistance by all of the staff and associates is incredible. The independence that all of this training and support gives to low-vision and blind people is invaluable and it really does make the biggest difference to all of us living with low vision and no eyesight maintain. Thanks to this support we are able to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with confidence and independence. I can’t thank everybody at VisAbility and Guide Dogs WA enough for their wonderful efforts in providing fantastic training and support to us all. I encourage everyone to join me on team Jog for a Dog and help us raise $35,000 to train a Guide Dog puppy.