Yellow puppy standing on grass.

Providing more Guide and Assistance Dogs into the future

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  • Providing more Guide and Assistance Dogs into the future
27 January, 2022

Three images. First image of black puppy, second image of black puppy and third image of yellow puppy. Text reads: Nancy, Belle, Stanley

Guide Dogs WA has recently welcomed more puppies to its training program – Nancy, Belle and Stanley have been named in honour of Western Australians who have left generous gifts in their Will to Guide Dogs WA. These kind individuals were long-term supporters of Guide Dogs WA and we are very grateful to them for generously continuing their support into the future.

Puppy in training Nancy has been named after a Western Australian who personally understood the impact of vision loss after her mother and three other family members were diagnosed with Glaucoma and she too struggled with failing eyesight as she got older.

By leaving a generous gift in your Will to Guide Dogs WA, you will provide independence, opportunity, safety and companionship to Western Australians with low vision, disability or illness.

If you have already, or are considering leaving a gift in your Will to Guide Dogs WA, and would like more information or to come in to see one of our Guide or Assistance Dogs in training please contact Kay, our Planned Giving Coordinator by phone (08) 9311 8285, email or complete the form below.

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