On Thursday 5 August 2021, Guide Dogs WA proudly celebrated the life-changing partnerships of Wendy and Guide Dog Bentley, Joe and Guide Dog Monty and, Gary and Guide Dog Terry at a special graduation ceremony in Perth. This wonderful event provided an opportunity to recognise the successful training journey of these dedicated working dogs and the life changing impact they have on their handlers.
Tim Platts, Acting CEO of Guide Dogs WA said the graduation ceremony is a special way to highlight the significant training of a Guide Dog and the opportunities and possibilities these remarkable dogs provide.
“Our Guide Dogs provide independence, freedom, safety, and companionship. They are specially trained over a two year journey to have the greatest impact on a person’s life – so that Western Australians with low or no vision can live the life they want,” Tim said.
Guide Dogs WA appreciates the generosity of the Western Australian community which helps to fund the Guide Dog training program as well as the commitment of many volunteers who contribute time and energy to homing and caring for the dogs over the course of their training.
Guide Dogs WA is the only WA-based provider of Guide Dog services in the community. Since 1951, Guide Dogs WA has been providing life changing Guide Dogs, and in more recent years, Assistance Dogs for Western Australians in need.
This year Guide Dogs WA is celebrating 70 years of changing lives and acknowledges the three Guide Dog graduates for their significant contribution to the Western Australian community.