Black dog looking at camera. Bernie, named in honour of a gentleman who generously left a gift in his Will.

Include a Charity Week – Safewill offer for Guide Dogs WA supporters

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  • Include a Charity Week – Safewill offer for Guide Dogs WA supporters

Two images, first image of yellow puppy Edna, second image of black puppy Bernie. Text reads: It’s Include a Charity week, where Australians are encouraged to consider leaving a gift in their Will to charity. Online Will writing platform, Safewill is offering Guide Dogs WA supporters the opportunity to write their Wills for free from 5-11 September. Find out more.

Include a Charity (link opens in a new window) week runs from 5 – 11 September and aims to raise awareness about the importance of having a valid Will, and the opportunity to include a gift in your Will to a charity close to your heart, like Guide Dogs WA. Research suggests that approximately 50% of Australians don’t have a valid Will.

This year, online Will writing platform Safewill (link opens in a new window) is offering Guide Dogs WA supporters the opportunity to write their Wills for free during Include a Charity week.

Whilst we hope that some people will consider leaving a gift in their Will to Guide Dogs WA you don’t have to do so to take up this offer. The aim is to raise awareness of the option to include a gift in your Will if you would like to.

All gifts, whether large or small, will help Guide Dogs WA provide more Guide and Assistance Dogs to Western Australians who need them in the future.

It is very easy to leave a gift by simply including Guide Dogs WA as a beneficiary in your Will, after you’ve provided for your loved ones. Your gift will stay in Western Australia and be used to help provide Guide and Assistance Dogs to people living with low vision, disability or illness.

There are different kinds of gifts that you can leave in your Will: most people leave a percentage of their estate or a specific amount of cash, another option is to specifically sponsor one or more dogs or leave an asset of value.

It costs more than $50,000 to train a Guide or Assistance Dog. When Guide Dogs WA receives a gift in someone’s Will of $50,000 or more a puppy is named in their honour.

For further information on leaving a gift in your Will to Guide Dogs WA or to speak to our Planned Giving Coordinator email or call (08) 9311 8285.

Please note: Online Will writing platforms are suitable for simple Wills. For more complex Wills you need to consult a legal professional.

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