Black labrador Therapy Dog Bazza

Children’s Therapy Dog Bazza Graduates

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25 January, 2020
Children's Therapy Dog, black labrador Bazza

Children’s Therapy Dog Bazza Graduates

We recently held a small graduation ceremony for the lovely Bazza – Guide Dogs WA’s first Children’s Therapy Dog.

Children's Therapy Dog Bazza graduatesJust like the Occupational Therapists Bazza works with, he helps children with a range of disabilities such as autism, global developmental delay, intellectual or learning disability, sensory impairment and physical disability. 

The children in VisAbility’s Dog Assisted Therapy program can pat, brush, play games and talk to him, and through these interactions and communications they can reach their individual specific therapy goals.

At his graduation ceremony, Bazza had so much fun catching up with many old and new friends – his Puppy Raisers, Formal Boarders, work colleagues and some of the children he has worked with over the last eleven months. 

Thank you to Bazza’s sponsors and all our wonderful volunteers who contributed to Bazza’s puppy and training years – your work is outstanding and you have done a paw-some job.

Congratulations Bazza and keep up the great work.

You can read more about Bazza’s role as a Children’s Therapy Dog on VisAbility’s website (opens in new window).

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