Friday 26 October is National Thank You Day at Guide Dogs Australia. Thank You Day acknowledges the generous contributions of supporters of the Guide Dogs WA training program. Your donations are truly appreciated.
Did you know?
Last financial year, your support of the Guide Dogs WA Training Program resulted in;
- 10 newly trained Guide Dogs being matched to clients living with low vision
- 2 Autism Assistance Dogs being matched to families living with autism
- 10 Therapy and Companion Dogs being matched to families and individuals living with disability.
- There were 39 puppies in training during the financial year including 21 new recruits who entered the training program. These PAW-some bundles of fur will one day change lives.
- All the dogs and puppies in training chewed their way through 8190 kilograms of Kibble and chewed on 630 toys and nylabones last financial year. That’s a lot of kibble and chew toys!