In the last two months we have had more puppies arrive at Guide Dogs WA; Dalton and Doug – two beautiful black Labradors, and Georgie and Taylor – fluffy Golden Retrievers. All four dogs were sponsored by and named in honour of people who had very generously left a gift in their will to Guide Dogs WA.
Only about 50% of Australians have a valid will and, during the process of writing their will, very few people are asked if they would like to leave a gift to charities they support. Online will writing platform, Safewill, were keen to change this, which is why they include the option to leave a charitable gift in all wills generated through their platform.
We have partnered with Safewill to offer our supporters the opportunity to write their will quickly and easily online for only $95 during February 2021. This is only payable when you submit your will for review by a solicitor. Click this link to visit the Safewill website today!
While we would be immensely grateful should you include a gift in your will to Guide Dogs WA, you don’t need to do so to take advantage of this offer. The aim is to raise awareness of the option to leave a gift in your will to charity when you’re writing or updating your will.
If you have already, or are considering leaving a gift in your will to Guide Dogs WA, and would like to come in to see one of our Guide Dogs in training please contact Kay, our Planned Giving Coordinator by phone (08) 9311 8285, email giftsinwills@guidedogswa.com.au
If you would like more information about leaving a Gift in your Will, please fill in the form below and you will be contacted by Kay, our Planned Giving Coordinator;